Belleisle Open 2024

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The 2024 Belleisle Open took place on Sunday 28th July 2024 with 126 competitors competing for the Rozelle Trophy in fine weather.

The successful winner Drew Cleaver, Ayr Belleisle Golf shown above with his trophy.

Drew made the most of the good conditions shooting an excellent 4 under par 67, which included a lost ball. !  His score was good enough to lead both the gross and handicap sections of the competition, but with the Rozelle Trophy being awarded to the best overall net score, Drew lifted the trophy with his net score of 64.  Such was the good scoring that despite his excellent scratch score, he only managed this with a BIH of 32.5 over Ian McPherson (Tam O'Shanter).

A number of thanks are required on behalf of Ayr Belleisle Golf Club.  We would like to extend our grateful thanks to D.W Shaw for their ongoing support for this event, to all individual hole sponsors, to those who donated raffle prizes, to the SAC catering staff who worked tirelessly through the day to keep everyone fed and watered, to Debbie at the starters desk for directing traffic and keeping the clubhouse open to allow the trophy presentation to take place, to Kevin and his greenkeeping staff for presenting the course in tremendous condition, to those committee members (especially Robert Morrison) who worked so hard to make this event a success, and last but by no means least to all those players who participated, without whom we simply couldn't keep this competition going.

A summary of the main results are shown below, but a full list of scores, sponsored hole prize winners and raffle ticket winners can be obtained by clicking on the relevant link below.

Belleisle Open & Rozelle Trophy - Drew Cleaver - Ayr Belleisle (64)


1st - Graeme Gimson - P'wick St Cuthbert (68)

2nd - Ian McPherson - Tam O'Shanter (70)

3rd - Scott Hannah - P'wick St Cuthbert (71)

4th - Colin Goudie - Ayr Belleisle (72)

Handicap Div 1

1st - Drew Cleaver - Ayr Belleisle (64)

2nd - David  Low - Ayr Belleisle (68)

3rd - Gibby Lamont - Tam O'Shanter (69 BIH 32)

4th - David Courtney - Turnberry (69 BIH 33.5)

Handicap Div 2

1st - James McMillan - Ayr Belleisle (66 BIH 32.5)

2nd - David Smith - Ayr Seafield (66 BIH 35)

3rd - Kerr Beattie - Ayr Belleisle (68)

4th - Tom Feasby - Bishopbriggs (69)


2024 Belleisle Open - Gross Results

2024 Belleisle Open- Handicap Results

2024 Belleisle Open - Individual Hole Prizes

2024 Belleisle Open - Raffle Prizes

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